[[en]]Mobile School is one of those organisations. Each year, we organise a campaign to raise awareness about the untapped potential on the streets. With our campaigns, we aim to provide a voice for street-connected children worldwide, so their rights cannot be ignored. [[fr]]Mobile School is one of those organisations. Each year, we organise a campaign to raise awareness about the untapped potential on the streets. With our campaigns, we aim to provide a voice for street-connected children worldwide, so their rights cannot be ignored.[[es]]Mobile School es una de esas organizaciones. Cada año organizamos una campaña de sensibilización sobre el potencial desaprovechado en las calles. Con nuestras campañas pretendemos dar voz a los niños de la calle de todo el mundo, para que sus derechos no puedan ser ignorados.[[nl]]Mobile School is één van die organisaties. Elk jaar organiseren we een campagne om mensen bewust te maken van het onbenutte potentieel op straat. Met onze campagnes willen we straatkinderen wereldwijd een stem geven, zodat hun rechten niet genegeerd kunnen worden.[[pt]]Mobile School is one of those organisations. Each year, we organise a campaign to raise awareness about the untapped potential on the streets. With our campaigns, we aim to provide a voice for street-connected children worldwide, so their rights cannot be ignored.

[[en]]Our 2023 campaign #childrights was kicked off on March 14th. We want to make sure that our claim for children’s rights for all children is heard in every single country worldwide by April 12th. This gives us 30 days to complete our challenge to find at least one person - and hopefully many more – from every single country to reinforce our claim. [[fr]]Our 2023 campaign #childrights was kicked off on March 14th. We want to make sure that our claim for children’s rights for all children is heard in every single country worldwide by April 12th. This gives us 30 days to complete our challenge to find at least one person - and hopefully many more – from every single country to reinforce our claim. [[es]]Nuestra campaña de 2023, #childrights, arrancó el 14 de marzo. Queremos asegurarnos de que nuestra reivindicación de derechos para todos los niños, se escuche en todos los países del mundo antes del 12 de abril. Esto nos da 30 días para completar nuestro reto de encontrar al menos una persona - y esperamos muchas más - en cada país para reforzar nuestra reivindicación. [[nl]]We trapten onze campagne van dit jaar, #childrights, af op 14 maart. We willen ervoor zorgen dat onze eis voor kinderrechten voor alle kinderen tegen 12 april gehoord wordt in elk land ter wereld. Daarom gaan we de uitdaging aan om op 30 dagen ten minste één persoon - maar hopelijk veel meer – te vinden in elk land om onze claim kracht bij te zetten.[[pt]]Our 2023 campaign #childrights was kicked off on March 14th. We want to make sure that our claim for children’s rights for all children is heard in every single country worldwide by April 12th. This gives us 30 days to complete our challenge to find at least one person - and hopefully many more – from every single country to reinforce our claim.

[[en]]Joining in is very easy. In the following video, Junieth explains what to do: [[fr]]Joining in is very easy. In the following video, Junieth explains what to do: [[es]]Participar es muy fácil. En el siguiente vídeo, Junieth explica lo que hay que hacer: [[nl]]Ga jij die uitdaging mee aan? Meedoen is heel makkelijk. In de volgende video legt Junieth uit wat je moet doen:[[pt]]Joining in is very easy. In the following video, Junieth explains what to do:

[[en]]Why did we choose this gesture? Well, it’s actually very simple! By creating a 1 with your left hand and a 2 with your right, you create 12, but also IV, 4 in Roman numerals. Together they form… Exactly! April 12th! [[fr]]Why did we choose this gesture? Well, it’s actually very simple! By creating a 1 with your left hand and a 2 with your right, you create 12, but also IV, 4 in Roman numerals. Together they form… Exactly! April 12th! [[es]]¿Por qué hemos elegido este gesto? Es muy sencillo. Al crear un 1 con la mano izquierda y un 2 con la derecha, creas 12, pero también IV, 4 en números romanos. Juntos forman... ¡Exactamente! ¡12 de abril! [[nl]]Waarom hebben we voor dit gebaar gekozen? Dat is eigenlijk heel eenvoudig! Door met je linkerhand een 1 en met je rechterhand een 2 te maken, creëer je 12, maar ook IV, 4 in Romeinse cijfers. Samen vormen ze... Precies! 12 april! [[pt]]Why did we choose this gesture? Well, it’s actually very simple! By creating a 1 with your left hand and a 2 with your right, you create 12, but also IV, 4 in Roman numerals. Together they form… Exactly! April 12th!

[[en]]Helping us amplify our message is really as easy as taking a picture and sharing it on your socials, so please join in and let’s flood the internet together, claiming all rights for all children! [[fr]]Helping us amplify our message is really as easy as taking a picture and sharing it on your socials, so please join in and let’s flood the internet together, claiming all rights for all children! [[es]]Ayudarnos a difundir nuestro mensaje es tan fácil como hacer una foto y compartirla en tus redes sociales. ¡Así que únete e inundemos el internet juntos, reivindicando todos los derechos para todos los niños![[nl]]Onze boodschap helpen verspreiden is écht zo makkelijk als het maken van een foto en die op je sociale media delen. Doe dus alsjeblieft mee en laat ons samen het internet overspoelen met mensen die alle rechten opeisen voor alle kinderen! [[pt]]Helping us amplify our message is really as easy as taking a picture and sharing it on your socials, so please join in and let’s flood the internet together, claiming all rights for all children!