StreetSmart Learn

Everything you need to know so you can use StreetSmart like a pro (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQ section. If you can not find the answer to your question, please contact us directly.

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How do I start my StreetSmart Learn experience?

Click on the register button and fill in the blank fields. After you agree with the terms of conditions, you can create your account.

Already have an account? Sign in with your email address and password.

Help, I can’t log in!

Check if you used the correct email and password.

  • Forgot your password? Click on the ‘Need help signing in?’ button to recover your password.
  • No account yet? Go to the register page to create an account and get free access to all learning materials.
I forgot my password.

Go to the sign in page and click on the ‘Need help signing in?’ button. After you fill in your email address, you can recover your password.

I didn’t get an activation mail.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you entered during registration from learn-no-reply@mobileschool.org. Click on the link in the email to confirm your email address.

If you do not see the confirmation email in your email inbox, check the following questions and solutions:

  • Was there was a typo or error in the email address when you registered on StreetSmart Learn? This could mean the confirmation email is being sent somewhere else.
  • Did you check your spam folder? The automated confirmation email message might be there.
  • Your email provider might have blocked automated email messages.
  • Look with the search function in your mailbox for an email from learn-no-reply@mobileschool.org.
  • From the StreetSmart Learn log in page, click Forgot my password. Clicking the link in the password reset message will confirm your email. (You don't have to reset your password.)
(How) can I delete my account?

You cannot do this on your own. Please contact us at info@street-smart.be and we will make sure we delete your account.

Is it free to sign up?

Yes! StreetSmart Learn is entirely free of charge and is open to everyone who is looking for online training. From teachers to youth workers, from street educators to young leaders...

How do I change my name on my account?

To change your full name in your StreetSmart Learn account:

  • At the top of any page, select the dropdown menu icon next to your username.
  • Select ‘Account’.
  • Next to the ‘Full Name’ field click ‘Edit’, then make the changes you want to your full name.
  • When done, click save.
Can I change my username?

No, once a StreetSmart Learn username has been created during registration it cannot be changed.


What’s the difference between topics, programmes and courses?

StreetSmart Learn offers training content on several topics. For each of the topics offered, you can find several training programmes. A programme is a longer learning track, constructed from smaller learning units, which we call courses. A course has only one learning objective and takes around 20 minutes to complete. Check out the following example for clarification:

How do I find interesting programmes or courses?

To find a programme of course, you can …

  • Use the search bar on the homepage. Just type a word in the search bar and the platform will suggest some courses and programmes.
  • Explore courses by topic on the homepage. All programmes or courses of a specific topic will appear.
  • Use the tabs ‘courses’ and ‘programs’ to find courses or programmes. Here, you can also use the filter function, where you can filter on organisation, topic and language.
How do I enroll in a programme or course?

Found a programme or course on StreetSmart Learn you are interested to follow? Make sure to enroll.

  • Enrolling in a course is easy. On the course page, click on ‘view course’. Now you will land on an overview page of the course, where you can see the different modules. At the top you will see: ‘Enroll now to access the full course.’ Click here. Once enrolled, the course will appear on your StreetSmart Learn Dashboard.
  • By enrolling in a programme, you enroll in all the courses of the programme at the same time. Click on the programme you want to follow and then click on the yellow button: ‘view programme progress’. Now you are enrolled in all courses of the programme.
How long does it take to complete a programme?

StreetSmart Learn uses the principles of microlearning. That’s why programmes are split up into shorter, manageable courses that take around 20 minutes. The estimated duration of each course can be found on the course pages and on the course tiles. The estimated duration of a complete programme is also visible on the programme tiles and on the programme page.

How long do I have to finish a programme/course? Is there a due date once I start?

On each course page, there’s an estimated duration of the course. However, there’s no due date to finish the programme or course once you start. This way everyone can progress at their own pace.

Is there a particular order in which I must follow the courses?

There are no restrictions or obligations, you can follow every course separately, but it’s recommended to follow the courses of one programme in sequence. The recommended sequence is displayed on the programme page.

When is my course marked as completed? Where can I track my course activity?

When you arrive at the end of the course, we ask you to share if you would recommend this course. Once completed, you land on the progress page of your course, where you can request a certificate. You can view your certificate by clicking the link.

You can also go to your dashboard and look for the course you just completed. There you can find a link to the related programme. If you click on this related programme, you can check your programme progress and see what courses you already completed, which ones are remaining and which ones are in progress.

Why these topics?

The topics are chosen based on a survey with youth workers worldwide and based on our own expertise. Of course, this is not everything we have. StreetSmart Learn will be expanded with new topics and new programmes in the future. We will also be working with partners to be inspired by their expertise and provide you with the best possible learning materials, so stay tuned!

Can I make suggestions for new topics I want to learn about?

We love to hear from you, so feel free to make suggestions. Please send them to our email address info@street-smart.be.


Are the exercises/assignments rated? Does it affect whether I receive a certificate or not?

The assignments are rated. You need to have 50% or more to be able to receive a certificate for each course.

When do I earn a badge?

This is a surprise! You can find the badges you received on your profile on StreetSmart Learn, in the tab ‘Accomplishments’. When you receive your first badge, you will also get a notification on your email address from Badgr (the badge provider).

When do I receive my certificate?

You receive a certificate when you complete a course and pass the assignments linked to that course (>50%). When you finish all courses of a specific programme, you will also receive a programme completion certificate.

Where can I find my certificates?

An overview of your achievements can be found on your profile. Open the dropdown menu by clicking on your name and go to your ‘dashboard’ OR to your ‘profile’ to consult your certificates and other achievements.

What is the added value of these courses to me as a youth worker?

Lifelong learning is not an unfamiliar concept these days. Here at MobileSchool.org, we are convinced that we should keep expanding our knowledge to keep up with our ever-changing environment. The programmes at StreetSmart Learn will help you improve your daily practice and support you in offering youth work that is impactful and interesting for your target group.

Can I also contribute to the platform?

Not everyone can upload content themselves but we do work with partner organisations that create content for StreetSmart Learn. Interested to work with us? Make sure to contact us on info@street-smart.be and let’s talk how we can collaborate.


Pronouns: Why did you use the pronoun ‘he’ consistently?

The decision to use the pronoun ‘he’ was made pragmatically. We obviously want our content to be inclusive, but also accessible to everyone. We want our content to be fluent and easy to read for all learners.

Is everything available in 4 languages?

All courses and programmes are available in English, Dutch, French, and Spanish. On the top right corner of the page, you can easily change the language to follow the courses in your preferred language!

How can I give feedback on the programmes and courses?

Do you have some feedback for us? Please let us know on info@street-smart.be and we’ll make sure to provide you with an answer.

How do I change the subtitles of the video?

All videos created by StreetSmart are available in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Dutch. The main language of the video is always English, but you can change the subtitles of the videos to the other languages by clicking the CC icon at the bottom of the YouTube video. A red line will appear under the icon when closed captions have been enabled. To change the language, click the gear icon and choose your preferred language.

What the difference between sharing a limited profile and a full profile?

On the tab ‘Profile’ you can see if you’re sharing a limited of full profile. A limited profile includes only your nickname and, optionally, an image. A full profile consists of, in addition to your username and profile image, information about your full name, your location, your language, a paragraph about yourself, links to your social media accounts.

If you choose to add profile information, course teams and other learners in your courses can view the information you share. Before you can share a full profile, you must specify your date of birth in the ‘Account’ tab.

Can't find the answer to your question? Use the contact page to leave us a message. We are more than happy to help you out!