[[en]]COVID-19 [[fr]]COVID-19 [[es]]COVID-19 [[pt]]COVID-19 [[nl]]COVID-19

[[en]]In recent months, the coronavirus has taken over the world very quickly. Home working, lockdowns (light) and "social distancing" have suddenly become part of our daily reality. In the past Mobile School volunteers, in honor of International Day for Street Children, organized large campaigns to spotlight the 150 million guests who live and/or work on the street every day.  These included large-scale pavement chalk actions on the Ladeuzeplein, Leuven, working together on the street, to a guerilla campaign in Ghent. Now that everyone has to stay away from each other, probably for a few more weeks, our volunteers had to re-think the concept for this year…[[fr]]In recent months, the coronavirus has taken over the world very quickly. Home working, lockdowns (light) and "social distancing" have suddenly become part of our daily reality. In the past Mobile School volunteers, in honor of International Day for Street Children, organized large campaigns to spotlight the 150 million guests who live and/or work on the street every day.  These included large-scale pavement chalk actions on the Ladeuzeplein, Leuven, working together on the street, to a guerilla campaign in Ghent. Now that everyone has to stay away from each other, probably for a few more weeks, our volunteers had to re-think the concept for this year… [[es]]In recent months, the coronavirus has taken over the world very quickly. Home working, lockdowns (light) and "social distancing" have suddenly become part of our daily reality. In the past Mobile School volunteers, in honor of International Day for Street Children, organized large campaigns to spotlight the 150 million guests who live and/or work on the street every day.  These included large-scale pavement chalk actions on the Ladeuzeplein, Leuven, working together on the street, to a guerilla campaign in Ghent. Now that everyone has to stay away from each other, probably for a few more weeks, our volunteers had to re-think the concept for this year… [[pt]]In recent months, the coronavirus has taken over the world very quickly. Home working, lockdowns (light) and "social distancing" have suddenly become part of our daily reality. In the past Mobile School volunteers, in honor of International Day for Street Children, organized large campaigns to spotlight the 150 million guests who live and/or work on the street every day.  These included large-scale pavement chalk actions on the Ladeuzeplein, Leuven, working together on the street, to a guerilla campaign in Ghent. Now that everyone has to stay away from each other, probably for a few more weeks, our volunteers had to re-think the concept for this year… [[nl]]De laatste maanden nam het coronavirus de wereld bijzonder snel over. Thuiswerk, lockdowns (light) en ‘social distancing’ behoren plots tot onze dagelijkse realiteit. In het verleden organiseerden de vrijwilligers van Mobile School ter ere van de Internationale Dag van het Straatkind vaak grote campagnes om de 150 miljoen gasten die dagelijks op straat wonen, leven en/of werken in de kijker te plaatsen. Denk maar aan grootschalige stoepkrijtacties op het Ladeuzeplein, met z’n allen werken op straat, tot een guerilla-campagne in Gent. Nu iedereen op een afstand moet blijven van elkaar, en dit waarschijnlijk nog wel enkele weken, moesten onze vrijwilligers het concept voor dit jaar wat herdenken…

[[en]]#BlijMetMijnKot (this means ‘Happy with my Home’) [[fr]]#BlijMetMijnKot (this means ‘Happy with my Home’)[[es]]#BlijMetMijnKot (this means ‘Happy with my Home’)[[pt]]#BlijMetMijnKot (this means ‘Happy with my Home’)[[nl]]#BlijMetMijnKot

[[en]]In recent weeks, Belgians have been called upon to stay in their home (“Stay in your room!”). A slogan that must be followed to this day. After almost 4 weeks of "home quarantine", this starts to weigh heavily for most of us. We long for the street, for terraces, meeting with friends and family… On the other hand, we also realize that we can be happy in our rooms. 150 million children have to do without a safe room. Children who find their daily bite to eat from a tourist on a terrace who does not quite finish his pizza and shares the leftovers with them. Children who beg for a daily survival budget in a busy shopping street. Covid-19 currently means empty terraces and empty shopping streets. It will be even more difficult to survive. Some Mobile School partners even report on street children being arrested for disrespecting the lockdowns and hanging out in public places. But they don't have a room. Yet these guests also survive in these challenging circumstances and show us again why they are our source of inspiration! [[fr]]In recent weeks, Belgians have been called upon to stay in their home (“Stay in your room!”). A slogan that must be followed to this day. After almost 4 weeks of "home quarantine", this starts to weigh heavily for most of us. We long for the street, for terraces, meeting with friends and family… On the other hand, we also realize that we can be happy in our rooms. 150 million children have to do without a safe room. Children who find their daily bite to eat from a tourist on a terrace who does not quite finish his pizza and shares the leftovers with them. Children who beg for a daily survival budget in a busy shopping street. Covid-19 currently means empty terraces and empty shopping streets. It will be even more difficult to survive. Some Mobile School partners even report on street children being arrested for disrespecting the lockdowns and hanging out in public places. But they don't have a room. Yet these guests also survive in these challenging circumstances and show us again why they are our source of inspiration! [[es]]In recent weeks, Belgians have been called upon to stay in their home (“Stay in your room!”). A slogan that must be followed to this day. After almost 4 weeks of "home quarantine", this starts to weigh heavily for most of us. We long for the street, for terraces, meeting with friends and family… On the other hand, we also realize that we can be happy in our rooms. 150 million children have to do without a safe room. Children who find their daily bite to eat from a tourist on a terrace who does not quite finish his pizza and shares the leftovers with them. Children who beg for a daily survival budget in a busy shopping street. Covid-19 currently means empty terraces and empty shopping streets. It will be even more difficult to survive. Some Mobile School partners even report on street children being arrested for disrespecting the lockdowns and hanging out in public places. But they don't have a room. Yet these guests also survive in these challenging circumstances and show us again why they are our source of inspiration! [[pt]]In recent weeks, Belgians have been called upon to stay in their home (“Stay in your room!”). A slogan that must be followed to this day. After almost 4 weeks of "home quarantine", this starts to weigh heavily for most of us. We long for the street, for terraces, meeting with friends and family… On the other hand, we also realize that we can be happy in our rooms. 150 million children have to do without a safe room. Children who find their daily bite to eat from a tourist on a terrace who does not quite finish his pizza and shares the leftovers with them. Children who beg for a daily survival budget in a busy shopping street. Covid-19 currently means empty terraces and empty shopping streets. It will be even more difficult to survive. Some Mobile School partners even report on street children being arrested for disrespecting the lockdowns and hanging out in public places. But they don't have a room. Yet these guests also survive in these challenging circumstances and show us again why they are our source of inspiration![[nl]]De afgelopen weken werd er in België opgeroepen om in je huis te blijven (“Blijf in uw kot!”). Een slogan die tot op vandaag dient opgevolgd worden. Na bijna 4 weken van ‘thuis-quarantaine’ begint dit voor de meesten onder ons wel wat door te wegen. We verlangen terug naar de straat, naar terrasjes doen, afspreken met vrienden en familie, … Anderzijds beseffen wij ook dat we blij mogen zijn met ons kot. 150 miljoen kinderen moeten het zonder een veilig kot stellen. Kinderen die hun dagelijkse hap vinden bij een toerist op een terrasje die zijn pizza niet helemaal op krijgt en de restjes met hen deelt. Kinderen die dagelijks een overlevingsbudgetje bij mekaar bedelen in een drukke winkelstraat. Covid-19 zorgt momenteel voor lege terrasjes en lege winkelstraten. Het wordt nog moeilijker om te overleven. Sommige Mobile School partners raporteren zelfs over het straatkinderen die worden gearresteerd, omdat ze de lock-downs niet respecteren en in de publieke ruimte rondhangen. Maar ze hebben geen kot. Toch blijven ook deze gasten in deze uitdagende omstandigheden overeind en tonen ze ons opnieuw waarom ze onze inspiratiebron zijn!

[[en]]Will you help us put the street children in "the picture"? Then join the #BlijMetMijnKot campaign. [[fr]]Will you help us put the street children in "the picture"? Then join the #BlijMetMijnKot campaign. [[es]]Will you help us put the street children in "the picture"? Then join the #BlijMetMijnKot campaign. [[pt]]Will you help us put the street children in "the picture"? Then join the #BlijMetMijnKot campaign. [[nl]]Help jij ons om de straatkinderen even in ‘the picture’ te zetten? Doe dan mee met de #BlijMetMijnKot actie.

[[en]]It is ridiculously easy. Just follow the 4 steps in the attached image. [[fr]]It is ridiculously easy. Just follow the 4 steps in the attached image. [[es]]It is ridiculously easy. Just follow the 4 steps in the attached image. [[pt]]It is ridiculously easy. Just follow the 4 steps in the attached image.[[nl]]Het is belachelijk gemakkelijk. Volg gewoon de 4 stappen in het bijgevoegde beeld.

  • [[en]]Grab your sleeping bag or blanket. [[fr]]Grab your sleeping bag or blanket. [[es]]Grab your sleeping bag or blanket. [[pt]]Grab your sleeping bag or blanket.[[nl]]Pak je slaapzak of dekentje.
  • [[en]]Write #BlijMetMijnKot on a piece of paper. [[fr]]Write #BlijMetMijnKot on a piece of paper. [[es]]Write #BlijMetMijnKot on a piece of paper. [[pt]]Write #BlijMetMijnKot on a piece of paper. [[nl]]Schrijf #BlijMetMijnKot op een blad papier.
  • [[en]]Crawl in your sleeping bag in front of your front door and hold up the paper. [[fr]]Crawl in your sleeping bag in front of your front door and hold up the paper.[[es]]Crawl in your sleeping bag in front of your front door and hold up the paper.[[pt]]Crawl in your sleeping bag in front of your front door and hold up the paper. [[nl]]Kruip in je slaapzak voor je voordeur en toon het papier.
  • [[en]]Take a photo or video and post it on your social media (preferably on all channels you have 😉). Be sure to use the hashtags #BlijMetMijnKot and #StreetChildrensDay. [[fr]]Take a photo or video and post it on your social media (preferably on all channels you have 😉). Be sure to use the hashtags #BlijMetMijnKot and #StreetChildrensDay. [[es]]Take a photo or video and post it on your social media (preferably on all channels you have 😉). Be sure to use the hashtags #BlijMetMijnKot and #StreetChildrensDay. [[pt]]Take a photo or video and post it on your social media (preferably on all channels you have 😉). Be sure to use the hashtags #BlijMetMijnKot and #StreetChildrensDay. [[nl]]Maak een foto of filmpje en post die op je sociale media (liefst op alle kanalen die je hebt 😉). Gebruik hier zeker de hashtags #BlijMetMijnKot en #StreetChildrensDay.

[[en]]Thank you! We can’t wait to see your #BlijMetMijnKot photos and videos appear soon! [[fr]]Thank you! We can’t wait to see your #BlijMetMijnKot photos and videos appear soon! [[es]]Thank you! We can’t wait to see your #BlijMetMijnKot photos and videos appear soon! [[pt]]Thank you! We can’t wait to see your #BlijMetMijnKot photos and videos appear soon![[nl]]Hartelijk bedankt! Hopelijk zien we jullie #BlijMetMijnKot foto’s en filmpjes snel verschijnen!

[[en]]International Day for Street Children [[fr]]International Day for Street Children [[es]]International Day for Street Children [[pt]]International Day for Street Children [[nl]]Internationale Dag van het Straatkind

[[en]]This special day is not only celebrated by us, but also by many organizations outside our network. Mobile School is a member of the Consortium for Street Children, a worldwide network of 90 organizations. The Consortium represents the international interests and rights of street children. They also started the initiative 10 years ago for this day and lobbied to have 12 April officially recognized as International Day for Street Children. Follow all their actions via #streetchildrensday. [[fr]]This special day is not only celebrated by us, but also by many organizations outside our network. Mobile School is a member of the Consortium for Street Children, a worldwide network of 90 organizations. The Consortium represents the international interests and rights of street children. They also started the initiative 10 years ago for this day and lobbied to have 12 April officially recognized as International Day for Street Children. Follow all their actions via #streetchildrensday. [[es]]This special day is not only celebrated by us, but also by many organizations outside our network. Mobile School is a member of the Consortium for Street Children, a worldwide network of 90 organizations. The Consortium represents the international interests and rights of street children. They also started the initiative 10 years ago for this day and lobbied to have 12 April officially recognized as International Day for Street Children. Follow all their actions via #streetchildrensday. [[pt]]This special day is not only celebrated by us, but also by many organizations outside our network. Mobile School is a member of the Consortium for Street Children, a worldwide network of 90 organizations. The Consortium represents the international interests and rights of street children. They also started the initiative 10 years ago for this day and lobbied to have 12 April officially recognized as International Day for Street Children. Follow all their actions via #streetchildrensday.[[nl]]Deze speciale dag wordt niet alleen door ons gevierd, maar ook door vele organisaties buiten ons netwerk. Mobile School is lid van het Consortium for Street Children, een wereldwijd netwerk van 90 organisaties. Het Consortium behartigt de internationale belangen en rechten van straatkinderen. Zij startten 10 jaar geleden ook het initiatief voor deze dag en lobbyden om 12 april officieel te laten erkennen als Internationale Dag van het Straatkind. Volg al hun acties via de #streetchildrensday.

[[en]]Results [[fr]]Results [[es]]Results [[pt]]Results [[nl]]Resultaten

[[en]]You were so many! A big thank you to everyone who has put the children on the street in the spotlight in recent days. You guys are awesome! Stay safe and see you soon! [[fr]]You were so many! A big thank you to everyone who has put the children on the street in the spotlight in recent days. You guys are awesome! Stay safe and see you soon! [[es]]You were so many! A big thank you to everyone who has put the children on the street in the spotlight in recent days. You guys are awesome! Stay safe and see you soon! [[pt]]You were so many! A big thank you to everyone who has put the children on the street in the spotlight in recent days. You guys are awesome! Stay safe and see you soon! [[nl]]Jullie waren met zo ongelofelijk veel! Een dikke merci aan iedereen die de afgelopen dagen mee de gasten op straat in de kijker heeft gezet. Jullie zijn geweldig! Stay safe en tot gauw!