[[en]]Millions of children are falling outside formal support and educational systems and go to the streets, looking for a sense of belonging. The identity and self-image of these children and youngsters is fragile, which makes them very susceptible to recruitment by criminal and extremist networks. Youth and outreach work are key in reaching them. [[fr]]Millions of children are falling outside formal support and educational systems and go to the streets, looking for a sense of belonging. The identity and self-image of these children and youngsters is fragile, which makes them very susceptible to recruitment by criminal and extremist networks. Youth and outreach work are key in reaching them. [[es]]Millions of children are falling outside formal support and educational systems and go to the streets, looking for a sense of belonging. The identity and self-image of these children and youngsters is fragile, which makes them very susceptible to recruitment by criminal and extremist networks. Youth and outreach work are key in reaching them. [[pt]]Millions of children are falling outside formal support and educational systems and go to the streets, looking for a sense of belonging. The identity and self-image of these children and youngsters is fragile, which makes them very susceptible to recruitment by criminal and extremist networks. Youth and outreach work are key in reaching them. [[nl]]Miljoenen kinderen vallen buiten de structuren van formele ondersteuning en onderwijssystemen en gaan de straat op, op zoek naar een gevoel van verbondenheid. De identiteit en het zelfbeeld van deze kinderen en jongeren is fragiel, waardoor ze zeer gevoelig zijn voor werving door criminele en extremistische netwerken. Jeugd- en outreach-werk zijn cruciaal om hen te bereiken.

[[en]]More specifically, the unconditional presence of youth workers using effective non-formal education methods can reestablish the connection with these children and support them in becoming positive contributors to society. It can prevent the disconnection of children with society and empower them to make conscious decisions in life. [[fr]]More specifically, the unconditional presence of youth workers using effective non-formal education methods can reestablish the connection with these children and support them in becoming positive contributors to society. It can prevent the disconnection of children with society and empower them to make conscious decisions in life. [[es]]More specifically, the unconditional presence of youth workers using effective non-formal education methods can reestablish the connection with these children and support them in becoming positive contributors to society. It can prevent the disconnection of children with society and empower them to make conscious decisions in life. [[pt]]More specifically, the unconditional presence of youth workers using effective non-formal education methods can reestablish the connection with these children and support them in becoming positive contributors to society. It can prevent the disconnection of children with society and empower them to make conscious decisions in life. [[nl]]De onvoorwaardelijke aanwezigheid van jeugdwerkers die effectieve non-formele onderwijsmethoden gebruiken, kan de verbinding met deze kinderen herstellen en hen ondersteunen om een positieve bijdrage te leveren aan de samenleving. Het kan ervoor zorgen dat de jongeren niet volledig afhaken en kan hen in staat stellen om bewuste beslissingen te nemen.


[[en]]Street educators outperform in generosity, empathy and work with high street creds. A research project executed by Mobile School indicates, however, that they miss efficient tools, access to data, knowledge and inspiration. To tackle those needs and to raise the impact of the outreach activities of street educators, and youth workers in general, StreetwiZe • Mobile School developed the integrated digital platform StreetSmart, consisting of 3 tools: [[fr]]Street educators outperform in generosity, empathy and work with high street creds. A research project executed by Mobile School indicates, however, that they miss efficient tools, access to data, knowledge and inspiration. To tackle those needs and to raise the impact of the outreach activities of street educators, and youth workers in general, StreetwiZe • Mobile School developed the integrated digital platform StreetSmart, consisting of 3 tools: [[es]]Street educators outperform in generosity, empathy and work with high street creds. A research project executed by Mobile School indicates, however, that they miss efficient tools, access to data, knowledge and inspiration. To tackle those needs and to raise the impact of the outreach activities of street educators, and youth workers in general, StreetwiZe • Mobile School developed the integrated digital platform StreetSmart, consisting of 3 tools:[[pt]]Street educators outperform in generosity, empathy and work with high street creds. A research project executed by Mobile School indicates, however, that they miss efficient tools, access to data, knowledge and inspiration. To tackle those needs and to raise the impact of the outreach activities of street educators, and youth workers in general, StreetwiZe • Mobile School developed the integrated digital platform StreetSmart, consisting of 3 tools: [[nl]]Straathoekwerkers zijn mensen met een sociale mindset, een sterk empathisch vermogen en veel street credibility. Een onderzoeksproject uitgevoerd door Mobile School geeft echter aan dat er een gebrek is aan efficiënte tools, toegang tot gegevens, kennis en inspiratie om hen te ondersteunen. Om die behoeften aan te pakken en de impact van de outreach-activiteiten van straathoekwerkers en jeugdwerkers in het algemeen te vergroten, ontwikkelde StreetwiZe • Mobile School het geïntegreerde digitale platform StreetSmart, bestaande uit 3 tools:  

  • [[en]]StreetSmart Impact: a case management and impact measurement system, with a mobile data tracking app and an integrated evolution tracking of different indicators linked to self-esteem and empowerment. StreetSmart Impact is a closed environment, set up for and implemented at each youth work organisation individually. [[fr]]StreetSmart Impact: a case management and impact measurement system, with a mobile data tracking app and an integrated evolution tracking of different indicators linked to self-esteem and empowerment. StreetSmart Impact is a closed environment, set up for and implemented at each youth work organisation individually.[[es]StreetSmart Impact: a case management and impact measurement system, with a mobile data tracking app and an integrated evolution tracking of different indicators linked to self-esteem and empowerment. StreetSmart Impact is a closed environment, set up for and implemented at each youth work organisation individually.[[pt]]StreetSmart Impact: a case management and impact measurement system, with a mobile data tracking app and an integrated evolution tracking of different indicators linked to self-esteem and empowerment. StreetSmart Impact is a closed environment, set up for and implemented at each youth work organisation individually. [[nl]]StreetSmart Impact: een casemanagement- en impact meetsysteem, met een mobiele datatracking app en een geïntegreerde evolutie-tracking van verschillende indicatoren gekoppeld aan eigenwaarde en empowerment. StreetSmart Impact is een gesloten omgeving, opgezet voor en geïmplementeerd bij elke jeugdwerkorganisatie afzonderlijk.
  • [[en]]StreetSmart Play: an open community-based content platform containing non-formal educational methodologies and activities, with a primary focus on empowering children and youngsters. StreetSmart Play allows youth workers to find, share and exchange the non-formal methodologies they need to tailor their offer to the needs of the children they work with. [[fr]]StreetSmart Play: an open community-based content platform containing non-formal educational methodologies and activities, with a primary focus on empowering children and youngsters. StreetSmart Play allows youth workers to find, share and exchange the non-formal methodologies they need to tailor their offer to the needs of the children they work with.[[es]]StreetSmart Play: an open community-based content platform containing non-formal educational methodologies and activities, with a primary focus on empowering children and youngsters. StreetSmart Play allows youth workers to find, share and exchange the non-formal methodologies they need to tailor their offer to the needs of the children they work with.[[pt]]StreetSmart Play: an open community-based content platform containing non-formal educational methodologies and activities, with a primary focus on empowering children and youngsters. StreetSmart Play allows youth workers to find, share and exchange the non-formal methodologies they need to tailor their offer to the needs of the children they work with. [[nl]]StreetSmart Play: een open en gemeenschapsgericht contentplatform met non-formele educatieve methoden en activiteiten, waarbij de nadruk ligt op het empoweren van kinderen en jongeren. Met StreetSmart Play kunnen jeugdwerkers de non-formele methoden die ze nodig hebben vinden, delen en uitwisselen om hun aanbod aan te passen aan de behoeften van de kinderen waarmee ze werken.
  • [[en]]StreetSmart Learn: an open learning platform for youth workers with learning courses, training materials and support to assist them in their work with and comprehension of vulnerable children. [[fr]]StreetSmart Learn: an open learning platform for youth workers with learning courses, training materials and support to assist them in their work with and comprehension of vulnerable children. [[es]]StreetSmart Learn: an open learning platform for youth workers with learning courses, training materials and support to assist them in their work with and comprehension of vulnerable children. [[pt]]StreetSmart Learn: an open learning platform for youth workers with learning courses, training materials and support to assist them in their work with and comprehension of vulnerable children. [[nl]]StreetSmart Learn: een open leerplatform voor jeugdwerkers met cursussen, trainingsmateriaal en ondersteuning om hen te helpen bij hun werk met en begrip van kwetsbare kinderen. 

[[en]]All components of StreetSmart are built with a focus on a user-friendly design and mobile usability for people with a primary focus on interacting and working with youngsters and children. [[fr]]All components of StreetSmart are built with a focus on a user-friendly design and mobile usability for people with a primary focus on interacting and working with youngsters and children. [[es]]All components of StreetSmart are built with a focus on a user-friendly design and mobile usability for people with a primary focus on interacting and working with youngsters and children. [[pt]]All components of StreetSmart are built with a focus on a user-friendly design and mobile usability for people with a primary focus on interacting and working with youngsters and children. [[nl]]Bij alle componenten van StreetSmart staat een gebruiksvriendelijk ontwerp en mobiele bruikbaarheid voor jeugdwerkers centraal.

[[en]]The prototypes have been developed with the support of Erasmus+, Accenture (Kunstmaan) and Share.it. [[fr]]The prototypes have been developed with the support of Erasmus+, Accenture (Kunstmaan) and Share.it.[[es]The prototypes have been developed with the support of Erasmus+, Accenture (Kunstmaan) and Share.it.[[pt]]The prototypes have been developed with the support of Erasmus+, Accenture (Kunstmaan) and Share.it. [[nl]]De prototypes zijn ontwikkeld met de steun van Erasmus +, Accenture (Kunstmaan) en Share.it.

[[en]]Thanks to the learnings of the prototype testings and the support of the Google Foundation, StreetwiZe • Mobile School feels confident they will be able to release a fully operational StreetSmart Impact and StreetSmart Play in 2020 and a fully operational StreetSmart Learn in 2021. [[fr]]Thanks to the learnings of the prototype testings and the support of the Google Foundation, StreetwiZe • Mobile School feels confident they will be able to release a fully operational StreetSmart Impact and StreetSmart Play in 2020 and a fully operational StreetSmart Learn in 2021.[[es]]Thanks to the learnings of the prototype testings and the support of the Google Foundation, StreetwiZe • Mobile School feels confident they will be able to release a fully operational StreetSmart Impact and StreetSmart Play in 2020 and a fully operational StreetSmart Learn in 2021.[[pt]]Thanks to the learnings of the prototype testings and the support of the Google Foundation, StreetwiZe • Mobile School feels confident they will be able to release a fully operational StreetSmart Impact and StreetSmart Play in 2020 and a fully operational StreetSmart Learn in 2021. [[nl]]Dankzij de bevindingen van de prototypetests en de ondersteuning van de Google Foundation, heeft StreetwiZe • Mobile School het vertrouwen dat ze in 2020 een volledig operationele StreetSmart Impact en StreetSmart Play kunnen uitbrengen en een volledig operationele StreetSmart Learn in 2021.